Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hourly Comic, 11/9/10

There is this meme among comics that is the hourly comic. It is a spawn of the 24-hour comic day (a challenge invented by Scott McCloud for Steve Bissette)

So the idea is, every hour you make a comic about something that happened that hour. Every hour you're awake anyhow. I decided it might be a fun challenge.


When I have time for making comics, nothing interesting is happening & vice versa.

It's a lot of pressure to choose what deserves to be included. Maybe something more interesting will happen in the last 10 minutes. I never inked until after.

Are there ethical responsibilities within comics? For some reason, I felt like I had to use realism in place of metaphor / symbolism.

I also became a little too cognizant of how I was representing my life. I could make myself seem very social or very anti-social just depending on the parts of my hour I chose to represent. I left out the part where I went to Kinko's and was a jerk about the weight of the paper and the light splotches in my field of black. I left out the part where I went to the record store to drop off a couple comics and ended up buying three dollar records. In other media I don't think that it is necessary to show the whole truth, but for some reason, it became a concern here.


The grass. It is greener.

This happened over the summer. Or maybe in September? It's still summer for me until I start working again, which is usually mid September.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Generation gap.

In case there is any confusion, my comics are autobio. That is, if any of my comics purport to be fiction, they are probably just thinly veiled autobio as well. And I'm a substitute. And this happened. Last week. On Friday.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

NEWW Diary

I went to New England Webcomics Weekend this Saturday, which means I finally get to participate in the post-con-diary-comics meme. Also, I get to try my hand at image mapping. Check it out! Click a panel to be brought to a related website. Sometimes. I'm figuring it out.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


If I get murdered because of a comic, do I get special recognition anywhere?

Finally! A comic exclusive to this blog.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Shame Slice

This is an edit from a journal comic I hadn't planned on sharing.
I realize that there isn't always a ton of benefit to knowing this secret blog... so I'm going to make an attempt to find that line (in between things that can be shared publicly and things that shouldn't be on the internet) and create some comics there.

So, in the meantime, here is an additional snippet of this comic.

I am probably going to mail the whole thing anonymously to Dan, as a sort of hey-thanks-for-the-sanity.

Oh! And I'll even point you to the podcast I was listening to. Here it is! If you want the full quote, you'll have to talk to me privately and HOPE that I'll share.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Duck on the Charles

Chicken Dance Comic, I don't want to be a duck
I find some moments too funny to NOT immortalize in comic form.

In other news: I didn't get knifed in the face while there.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


That guy both is and isn't Damian. I really want to post in on facebook and tag him or something, just to show him my 5 years late comeback, but somehow I think I'm not allowed to do that.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I hereby reserve the right to take anything funny you say to me or around me and make it into a comic. Additionally, I reserve the right NOT to.

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Tip

There is no Z in Exercize

I like mnemonic devices and I always try to spell it 'exercize' so I this is how I have to think about it.

I googled it, and it doesn't seem like anyone else has thought of this, sooooo you can get this one as a T shirt if you're so inclined. I set up a little spreadshirt shop and everything.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Is Art?

I made this a couple of years ago.... it's a sort of mind map about my concept of the meaning of art.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010


This happened to me last summer. Like, seriously, dude? Why would you buy me a drink if you thought that? Whatever, thanks anyway. It doesn't matter my hair length or anything either. I've had people ask me these same three questions with really long hair and with really short hair, with very different styles of dress. Oh well.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chinese Tea From Styrofoam Cups

I went out to eat (chinese buffet) with my parents yesterday. For some reason they gave my mom her tea in a styrofoam cup. After I got finished drawing her she said: "I look so upset!"

"That's because you noticed the people over there had real cups."


Does Drawing Comics Give Me.....

So I started this blog to have an outlet for my comics. More than that I actually draw comics, I want to draw comics. And Hotaling always said, "the best way to start is ..to start." They are going to suck at first, at that's OK. Hopefully someday they won't suck. I just want to be doing it...and so I'm doing it. If you have advice, I might not be opposed to hearing it. Whatever:)